Snakebite, recently declared a neglected tropical disease and global health priority by the World Health Organization (WHO), results in an estimated 2.5 million envenomations, 138,000 deaths and over 500,000 cases of permanent disability worldwide every year.1–10 Snake, spider, and scorpion envenomations are a common environmental and occupational hazard for military forces worldwide.11–46 The consequences of an envenomation range from mild local effects to permanent disability or death, and the outcome is largely determined by the time to antivenom treatment and the level of training of the medical providers involved.
Once an envenomation has occurred, the provider and patient are racing against the clock to neutralize active venom components before extensive damage has occurred. Necrosis caused by cytotoxic venoms cannot be reversed, but it can be prevented by early antivenom administration or arrested before further damage can occur in cases of late antivenom treatment.1,7,47,48 Hemotoxic venoms can induce coagulopathies within an hour of the envenomation which is quickly followed by a standard progression of worsening local and systemic external and internal bleeding. Neurotoxic venoms can act rapidly and be fatal. Africa is one of the few places in the world with snakes like the black mamba that are capable of killing a human within one hour due to direct effects of the venom, and most patients with mamba envenomation who are not rapidly treated with antivenom will die within 2 - 6 hours from respiratory arrest.1,49 When a neurotoxic bite occurs, rapid antivenom administration prior to the onset of respiratory muscle weakness can arrest the progression of descending paralysis before serious systemic manifestations develop.1,50,51 Every hour wasted between bite and antivenom administration is strongly associated with sharp increases in mortality and the development of chronic or permanent sequelae including amputation, disfigurement, PTSD, blindness, kidney injury, infections, and partial or complete loss of function of the bitten limb.4,7,8,52–58
This CPG will cover the continuum of snakebite care for snake envenomations in all combatant commands.
Don’t try to ID the snake. Snake identification is unreliable and should not be purposely attempted. DO NOT attempt to catch or kill the snake; treatment is clinical and the snake species does not need to be identified.
There are 3 major clinical syndromes of snakebite envenomation worldwide and 3 major signs and symptoms of each. All dangerous snakes capable of injuring or killing a human will produce at least one sign or symptom from at least one of the 3 major snakebite syndromes (neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic). Specific antivenoms required will vary regionally but the major triads are applicable globally.
Clinical Pearls on Snakebites and Antivenom Treatment
1. Not all snakes are venomous and not all snake bites result in snake envenomations!
2. Roughly 25% of bites from dangerously venomous snakes are harmless “dry bites” where no venom is injected!
3. Snakebite treatment should always be determined by the clinical presentation and evolution of signs and symptoms in the patient rather than the identity of the snake that bit them!
4. There are no absolute contraindications to antivenom for patients with symptomatic snake envenomations. The high risk of permanent damage posed by untreated venom in the body is far greater than the low risk of anaphylaxis associated with high-quality modern antivenoms.
5. Establish a timeline and trend changes over time. Serial assessments and documentation are essential because the resolution of certain clinical findings will be used to determine when the right dose of antivenom has been given. At a minimum always document the following:
6. Snakebites are clinically dynamic emergencies and can change dramatically until control has been achieved.
Initial Priorities
1. Airway, breathing, circulation, and rapid antivenom administration are the critical priorities during stabilization and treatment of a snakebite casualty.
2. DO NOT apply constricting bandages or tourniquets as these may worsen local tissue injury and increase the risk of permanent disability.64–66
If a tourniquet is already in place, do not remove it until you are ready to treat and resuscitate the patient as a rapid decompensation can occur.67,68 When removing a tourniquet do so sequentially (loosen for several seconds - tighten - observe - repeat) over 20 - 30 mins; if symptoms develop at any time administer antivenom and wait at least 30 minutes before resuming tourniquet release. Ideally, this should not be done until antivenom is available but prolonged evacuation times without antivenom may necessitate the risk of earlier removal to prevent limb death. Refer to the Joint Trauma System Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Guidelines for tourniquet conversion in these settings.
3. If and when conditions allow, minimize patient activity and loosely immobilize bitten limb to reduce movement without constricting tissues.
4. Evaluate for specific signs and symptoms of snake envenomation. See Table 1 and refer to specific criteria for initial antivenom treatment and repeat doses for additional information.
Focused Assessment and Examination
Perform a physical examination and history focused on identifying signs and symptoms of neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes.
1. Determine how long ago the bite occurred. Circle the site of the bite wound and write the specific time that it occurred with a permanent marker on the patient
2. Do not rely on fang marks to assess the possibility of a bite or envenomation. Snakebites can leave punctures, multiple lacerations, or even no obvious fang marks whatsoever.
3. Rapid examination for signs of pain, swelling, or tissue destruction (cytotoxic syndrome). Separately mark the leading edge of both pain (dashed line) and edema (solid line) with a permanent marker and record time of observation next to each line
4. Rapid examination for signs of local or systemic bleeding (hemotoxic syndrome)
5. Rapid examination for signs of neuromuscular weakness (neurotoxic syndrome)
Ask the patient to take a deep breath and count as high as possible in their normal speaking voice without taking another breath. Demonstrate the test to the patient, then have them repeat it and record the highest number reached.
- SBC correlates closely with spirometry.
- Normal SBC is approximately 50 and SBC < 20 is associated with the need for mechanical ventilation.
- Signs and symptoms of descending flaccid paralysis: Ptosis, diplopia, neck flexor muscle weakness, bulbar weakness, etc.1,54,73
- Signs and symptoms of parasympathetic / cholinergic crisis: SLUDGE mnemonic - Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, GI distress, Emesis
Unstable Patients
Sudden Collapse Syndrome Treatment Protocol
Patient presents within 30 minutes of the bite with rapid onset shock ± angioedema, altered mental status, systemic bleeding, and diarrhea.1
See Sudden Collapse Syndrome section for more information.
Lab Tests
Advanced laboratory tests include:
Simple coagulation test for austere environments: Use the Whole Blood Clotting Test (WBCT) as described in Appendix A to diagnose and monitor coagulopathy if advanced labs not available
Transport Factors
1. If the patient is being medically evacuated from the field or between roles of care, confirm that the receiving facility has an adequate supply of the appropriate regionally specific antivenoms listed in this CPG to ensure treatment coverage against local species of concern.
NOTE: Evacuation is not an alternative to antivenom administration. A patient whose snakebite warrants evacuation will require antivenom. The earlier it is given the greater the chance of full recovery without permanent disability. DO NOT delay administration of antivenom in the field to a patient with an envenomation.
2. If clinical evidence of envenomation is present and treatment is occurring in a hospital setting, always admit to a bed with continuous vital sign monitoring if available. If no initial clinical evidence of envenomation, admit for 24 hours for observation. If treating in the field, continuously monitor patient trends for signs of progression, improvement, or deterioration.
3. Symptoms should be expected within 24 hours; if the patient is completely asymptomatic after 24 hours then they most likely received a dry bite and can be discharged. See Discharge Criteria.
Antivenom dosing, preparation, and administration recommendations vary by product. Coverage, initial dosing, preparation, and administration of antivenoms are included in this CPG. Refer to guidelines for the specific product prior to administering the antivenom.
1. The presence of one or more of the criteria for each category in Table 1 (universal treatment) is generally sufficient to diagnose the syndrome, determine severity, and initiate treatment. Patients who present with “mixed syndromes” (signs and symptoms of > 1 syndrome present) receive the same initial doses of antivenom as those presenting with a single syndrome.
To identify the appropriate antivenom and initial dosing for your patient, refer to the regionally-specific snakebite treatment for each combatant command section later in this document. Each COCOM section includes instructions on preparation, dosing, and administration of each antivenom.
2. In certain instances, pretreatment with a low dose of SQ epinephrine prior to antivenom administration may be recommended to reduce the risk of an adverse reaction to antivenom therapy. Refer to pretreatment with epinephrine to prevent early adverse reactions for specific guidelines on pretreatment.
3. The majority of severe early reactions to antivenom occur within the first 5 - 60 minutes after antivenom administration. Observe and monitor the patient closely at the bedside for a minimum of one hour after each dose of antivenom has been given.
Refer to management of mild, moderate, and severe antivenom reactions for specific guidelines on how to manage mild, moderate, or severe reactions to antivenom therapy
Supportive Care & Ongoing Management
Provide supportive care and address secondary issues related to the envenomation as follows:
1. Anticipate the need for aggressive airway management with intubation and prolonged ventilation in all patients presenting with neurotoxic envenomation, particularly those who present late with impending respiratory failure or fail to respond to antivenom.
Repeat original dose every 5 minutes until resolution of crackles, rales, bronchospasm has been achieved. Pediatric atropine doses should be weight based at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg, up to 0.25 mg.
Not all patients will respond, but those who do will show temporary improvement (reversal of ptosis, increased respiratory muscle strength, etc). If no response to neostigmine, do not reattempt. If positive response is achieved, repeat every 1 - 4 hours as needed (maximum dose in 24 hours = 10 mg adults / 5 mg pediatric) until antivenom has definitively reversed the paralysis.
2. For hemotoxic envenomations, all internal and external active bleeding should cease within 30 – 60 minutes of antivenom administration once the appropriate dose has been given. Packed red blood cell or whole blood transfusion can be considered if the patient is in hemorrhagic shock.17,69,70, 78-82 Platelets, fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, TXA, and other agents are not effective in these cases due to the mechanism of the venoms.
3. Ketamine and fentanyl are preferable for analgesia. Histamine release from morphine may mask signs of an allergic reaction or worsen hypotension.
4. It is important to keep the limb significantly elevated (> 60º is ideal) whenever possible to limit dependent edema and swelling.
5. DO NOT routinely de-roof or aspirate blisters, bullae, or blebs unless they are causing significant discomfort or uncontrolled rupture appears imminent. If abscess is suspected, treat according to existing protocols for abscess management.
6. DO NOT perform fasciotomy for snakebites. Compartment syndrome is rare in snakebites. Even in cases of confirmed elevated intracompartmental pressure, patients who received antivenom without fasciotomy experienced better outcomes (shorter recovery time and less long term morbidity) than those who received fasciotomy.83–86 Appropriate use of antivenom should resolve the underlying issue that is producing the elevated intracompartmental pressures.
7. DO NOT routinely administer antibiotics unless signs and symptoms of an infection are present. Direct infections are rare from most snakebites when prompt, appropriate treatment is given.54
Ongoing Monitoring & Need for Additional Antivenom
1. Monitor the patient closely for signs of progression in the initial hours of treatment until control of symptoms has been achieved.
Serial assessments for signs and symptoms of the neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic syndromes should be repeated at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 (H2, H4, H6, H12, H24).
2. Within the first 24 hours, antivenom may be given at hours 0, 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 according to the specific criteria for antivenom treatment listed under Criteria for Initial Antivenom Treatment and Repeat Doses.
3. If the patient is asymptomatic but coagulopathy persists 24 hours after the first dose of antivenom was given, administer a dose of antivenom and repeat laboratory tests every 24 hours until resolution.
4. Continuous monitoring for effectiveness of antivenom dose must be done. Occasionally, pockets of venom can be trapped in swollen tissue compartments and escape into the bloodstream once circulation has improved. This is called recurrent envenomation and is most common within the first 24 - 48 hours after a severe bite with extensive swelling and blistering.78,87–93
5. If indications of recurrent envenomation are detected more than 24 hours after the first dose of antivenom was given, treat as follows:
Discharge Recommendations
1. Patients should be held for at least 24 hours after resolution of all signs and symptoms, and the following steps should be completed prior to discharge:
2. Serum sickness is characterized by flu-like symptoms ± rash that typically develops between 1 - 3 weeks after antivenom administration. It is rare with highly purified modern antivenoms but may occur more frequently with some of the second and third line antivenoms listed in this CPG.94–97
Serum sickness may be uncomfortable but is not dangerous. Management is either symptomatic or with a course of oral steroids.94,95,97–99
The presence of significant local pain OR progressive edema OR signs of tissue destruction (bruising, blistering, necrosis) is an indication for initial administration of antivenom.1,47,48,79,100–105 If any of these criteria (or other systemic signs and symptoms) are present, treat immediately and do not wait for irreversible damage to occur before deciding to give antivenom. Note that the progression of edema at any treatment interval is an indication to administer additional antivenom; however, edema may not begin to noticeably decrease for several days and severe edema may take 1 - 2 weeks or longer to completely resolve. WORSENING edema is therefore a treatment criteria, persistence of edema without any progression IS NOT a treatment criteria. Worsening pain that increases significantly in severity or moves proximally up the limb is another indicator for antivenom treatment.
The onset, persistence, or resumption of systemic neurotoxic signs of envenomation (dyspnea, neck flexor muscle weakness, bulbar muscle weakness, reduced level of consciousness, ↓ respiratory muscle function, etc.) at any of the antivenom treatment intervals is always an indication to administer or re-administer antivenom.1,50,107–109 Monitor respiratory function using negative inspiratory force (NIF) or forced vital capacity (FVC), single breath count test (SBC), capnography, spirometry, peak flow meters, etc.1,54,72 In patients who have not reached the late stages of respiratory distress/arrest, the first indications that paralysis is improving may be apparent within 30 - 60 minutes once the right dose of antivenom has been achieved. In patients who are already intubated, it may take hours for reversal to occur after antivenom. This typically occurs within 1 - 3 hours, but may take 6 - 12 hours or longer in some patients. There are numerous documented cases of patients who did not receive antivenom and required prolonged mechanical ventilation ranging from several days up to 13 weeks before recovery. Antivenom typically either reverses the syndrome before it progresses or dramatically shortens the duration of paralysis.
The onset, persistence, or resumption of any active local or systemic bleeding at any of the standard assessment intervals (0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 hours) is always an indication to administer or re-administer antivenom regardless of the WBCT result at the time.1,70,78,106,109–111 All external and internal bleeding will cease when the appropriate dose of antivenom has been given and actively circulating venom has been neutralized.
WBCT/Coagulation Tests
Tests of coagulation usually normalize within 2 - 6 hours after the effective dose of antivenom has been achieved but in some cases it may take longer for these labs to fully normalize after antivenom therapy.78,112–120 WBCT procedure and interpretation is covered in Appendix A: Whole Blood Clotting Test (WBCT) for Venom-Induced Consumptive Coagulopathies (VICC).
There are three situations where an abnormal WBCT or other abnormal laboratory tests of coagulation (e.g. fibrinogen, PT/PTT/INR, etc) should be treated with antivenom:
Sudden Collapse Syndrome
In rare cases, a patient may rapidly deteriorate in the first 5 - 30 minutes after the bite and present with profound hypotension, tachycardia, angioedema, altered level of consciousness, etc.1,122–130 These patients should be aggressively treated for severe anaphylaxis and severe envenomation simultaneously. Treat anaphylaxis aggressively according to anaphylaxis protocols. Treat the envenomation with an initial high dose (at least 6 vials) of antivenom by rapid IV push, and support the patient with airway management, fluids, and other interventions as appropriate.122,123,125,131,132 Most patients presenting with hypotension or angioedema are responsive to epinephrine, but may require IV epinephrine infusions to achieve this effect if they are unresponsive to IM epinephrine.122
Epinephrine is the only prophylactic treatment (pretreatment) that has been shown to effectively reduce the incidence of early adverse reactions (EARs) such as anaphylaxis.60,98,133–136
1. DO NOT pretreat with steroids or antihistamines.
2. DO NOT administer test doses of antivenom to check for hypersensitivity.60–63
Relative contraindications to epinephrine pretreatment include age > 70, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, history of stroke, suspected or confirmed intracranial hemorrhage. No absolute contraindications.
1. Pretreatment with epinephrine prior to antivenom administration is not indicated by default for all antivenoms, and is recommended only under the following circumstances:
2. Standard epinephrine pretreatment protocol:
Mild or Moderate Reaction during Infusion
Severe Reaction (Anaphylaxis) during Infusion
Anaphylaxis Treatment Protocol
NOTE: Intubate for airway edema not rapidly responsive to epinephrine.
If anaphylaxis occurs after antivenom administration, treat according to the following protocol:
1. First line treatment of anaphylaxis is rapid administration of 1:1000 epinephrine (initial adult dose = 0.5 mg IM in the lateral thigh for rapid absorption). Epinephrine can be repeated as needed until the patient has stabilized and/or an intravenous or intraosseous infusion administered as per standard protocols if the patient fails to respond to IM doses.
Epinephrine should always be given prior to antihistamines or steroids to counter the immediate life-threats of bronchospasm and vasodilation.
2. After epinephrine has been given:
If anaphylaxis occurs during administration of antivenom, stop the antivenom administration to treat the reaction, then resume the antivenom administration as described below. 15,61,95,99,128,129,140–146
Late Reactions to Antivenom (Serum Sickness)
If Antivenom is Unavailable
Refer to Supportive Care measures for specific recommendations.
Military Working Dogs/Multipurpose Canines
All antivenoms can be administered to military working dogs (MWD) and multipurpose canines according to the treatment criteria and initial doses listed in this CPG; other management should be based on the MWD CPG.
Late Presentations and Treatment Delays
There is no defined time limit to antivenom therapy for a symptomatic snakebite. Early antivenom within the first minutes or hours after a bite is the best means of preventing morbidity or mortality, but antivenom remains effective at resolving reversible issues like coagulopathy and preventing further irreversible tissue damage even in patients who present many hours or days after the snakebite.56,69,78,146,147
Outdated Interventions That Should Not Be Performed
Spitting cobras have modified fangs that allow them to spray venom into the eyes of a predator or perceived threat.153–155 The venom spray widens like buckshot as it travels and the snakes aim at the glint of sunlight reflecting off of the target’s eyes. The venom is harmless unless it enters the eyes (causing instantaneous burning, lacrimation, blurred vision, etc) or the bloodstream by injection (such as a bite), through open wounds on the skin or inside of the mouth, or by ingestion (such as drinking a glass of venom with an ulcer). If a significant amount of venom enters the bloodstream through an open wound and produces typical symptoms of a snakebite, it is treated with antivenom like any other envenomation. For ocular exposure alone without signs of systemic envenomation, antivenom is not indicated and the management is like any ocular chemical exposure with copious irrigation. Spitting cobras can also deliver a venomous bite, so it is important to rule out an actual snakebite in patients who have encountered one of these snakes.
Signs and Symptoms
Immediate signs and symptoms of venom ophthalmia include intense local pain, swelling and/or spasms of the eyelid, lacrimation, and leukorrhea.156 The primary concern is corneal epithelial injury which can lead to blindness by secondary infection or scarring if not treated correctly.7,25,54,156–158 Treatment of venom ophthalmia is relatively simple and similar to managing a patient who has been splashed in the eyes with a harmful chemical solution.
First Aid
Confirm that the patient did not experience a snakebite in addition to the ophthalmia. Immediately irrigate the eye with copious quantities of water, normal saline, or a bland fluid such as milk if nothing else is available. Remove clothing and decontaminate the patient from head to toe with soap and water to prevent second re-exposure to dried venom.54
Clinical Management
Apply topical anesthetic eye drops (tetracaine) to facilitate thorough irrigation and examination of the affected eyes. Irrigate the eyes thoroughly using water or normal saline for ≥ 15 minutes.156
Fluorescein stain and examination using a slit lamp or ophthalmoscope for corneal injury. If present, treat with antimicrobial eye drops (such as tetracycline and chloramphenicol) or ointments and mydriatics. Reassess daily with slit lamp examination. If absent, consider benefits vs risks of antimicrobial eye drops.
Additional Treatments to Consider
Topical eye drops containing either epinephrine (1:1000) or phenylephrine (10%) are reported to immediately relieve the burning sensation produced by the venom.54,156
Contraindicated Treatments
Antivenom (topical or systemic) is not indicated for patients with ocular exposure to snake venom.54,156,159 Topical steroids are contraindicated for these patients.
There are a number of different antivenoms included in this CPG for snakebite treatment in AFRICOM, CENTCOM, INDOPACOM, EUCOM, NORTHCOM, and SOUTHCOM. The coverage, initial dosing, preparation, and administration vary between products and details for each of them are included. Simplified algorithms for selecting and dosing each antivenom are also included in each regional section below.
Whenever possible, broad-spectrum, field-stable antivenoms are recommended to enable syndromic diagnosis and treatment at the point of injury without the need to identify the species responsible for the bite. Citations of the relevant literature on safety, efficacy, and dosing for each product are provided in the references section.
Determine the appropriate first line antivenom for your area of operations prior to deployment using this section, then refer back to the Universal Approach to Snakebite Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment earlier in the document for detailed instructions and a stepwise approach to snakebite management throughout the course of care. Abbreviated antivenom guidelines for each regional combatant command are included below.
Categorization of Medically Significant Snake Species
The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies the risk posed by various venomous snakes by designating each species as either Category 1 or Category 2 as described below. WHO guidelines state that the “species listed in Category 1 within a country, territory or area should be considered as being of highest priority for antivenom production on the basis that available knowledge implicates them as being responsible for the greater burden in that particular setting.” 160
WHO Category 1: Venomous Snakes of Highest Medical Importance
Defined as “highly venomous snakes which are common or widespread and cause numerous snakebites, resulting in high levels of morbidity, disability or mortality.”
WHO Category 2: Venomous Snakes of Secondary Medical Importance
Defined as “highly venomous snakes capable of causing morbidity, disability or death, for which exact epidemiological or clinical data may be lacking; and/or which are less frequently implicated (due to their activity cycles, behavior, habitat preferences or occurrence in areas remote to large human populations).”
NOTE: Antivenom Infusion versus Direct Push: For most first line antivenoms in this CPG, administration using either a) 100, 250, or 500 mL IV bag of isotonic fluids with 10-minute IV/IO infusion or b) direct IV push is recommended in order to get a full dose of antivenom onboard as quickly as possible and neutralize venom before further damage has occurred. However, if this is not possible it is acceptable to dilute antivenom in any size bag of isotonic solution you have available and give over 10 – 30 minutes.
For emergency consultations, call the ADVISOR telemedicine hotline (866-972-9966) and select toxicology from the phone menu.
For additional information about snake bite management or this CPG, email or call 415-218-2211.
Safe and effective broad-spectrum, field-stable antivenoms are available for all three syndromes of snake envenomation in this AOR and treatment does not require identification of the species responsible. Snakebite treatment at the point of injury is recommended for AFRICOM due to prolonged evacuation times, high incidence of snakebites, and the high risk of death or permanent disability from many venomous snakes in the AOR if early antivenom treatment is not available.
Adverse Reaction Management
Sudden Collapse Syndrome Treatment Protocol
Patient presents within 30 minutes of the bite with rapid onset shock ± angioedema, altered mental status, systemic bleeding, and diarrhea.1
See Sudden Collapse Syndrome section for more information.
For emergency consultations, call the ADVISOR telemedicine hotline (866-972-9966) and select toxicology from the phone menu.
For additional information about snake bite management or this CPG, email or call 415-218-2211.
POLYSERP/Inosan, Spain - POLYSERP PAN-AFRICA Polyvalent (POLYSERP-P) (Freeze dried/Unrefrigerated) 1,106,161–164:
POLYSERP/Inosan, Spain - POLYSERP PAN-AFRICA Polyvalent (POLYSERP-P) (Freeze dried/Unrefrigerated) 1,106,161–164:
Indicated for all neurotoxic, hemotoxic, or cytotoxic envenomations in North Africa with no signs of improvement after 10 vials of POLYSERP-M and/or NAVPC-P. Directly or indirectly covers some of the WHO category 1 and category 2 snakes in North Africa.
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Recommended for use in operational settings and specifically designed to fill the capability gap for ground medics operating in these areas. Updated version of Inoserp Pan-Africa made specifically for the austere and operational medicine environment. Freeze-dried, unrefrigerated, stable at temperatures >100º F for at least 180 days without loss of efficacy. Broad coverage and simple dosing enable administration in the field for any symptomatic snakebite by unknown species in this region. Special operations and conventional units deploying to austere operational environments and areas with critical threat venomous species should carry 8 vials per medic. It is recommended that a reserve quantity is stocked in all role 2 and role 3 facilities in AFRICOM in case additional antivenom is needed upon arrival, and also to restock field medics that have used their supply.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy against all major syndromes and very low 0.2% incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Broad spectrum polyvalent directly indicated for the treatment of neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by 24 different species of African snakes from the families Elapidae, Viperidae, Colubridae, and Atractaspididae.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 2 vials POLYSERP-P may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Reconstitute every 2 vials of POLYSERP-P in the same 10 mL syringe by mixing the first vial, drawing it back up into syringe, and injecting it into the second vial to yield 2 vials/1 syringe (6 vial dose = 3 syringes total). Administer sequentially via slow, continuous direct IV or IO push over approximately 2 minutes each. If a reaction occurs stop the push, treat the reaction, reassess response to treatment criteria. Dilute remaining dose in a 100 mL bag of isotonic fluids and administer via slow IV or IO infusion over 30 mins if needed.
Direct push is recommended for convenience, but POLYSERP-P may also be administered via IV or IO infusion. Mix in a 50 mL or 100 mL bag of isotonic fluids and administer the entire bag over 5 – 10 mins.
POLYSERP/Inosan, Spain - POLYSERP MENA Polyvalent (POLYSERP-M) (Freeze dried/unrefrigerated) 156–172:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Recommended for use in operational settings and specifically designed to fill the capability gap for ground medics operating in these areas. Updated version of Inoserp MENA made specifically for the austere and operational medicine environment. Freeze-dried, unrefrigerated, stable at temperatures >100º F for at least 180 days without loss of efficacy. Broad coverage and simple dosing enable administration in the field for any symptomatic snakebite by unknown species in this region. Special operations and conventional units deploying to austere operational environments and areas with critical threat venomous species should carry 8 vials per medic. It is recommended that a reserve quantity is stocked in all role 2 and role 3 facilities in AFRICOM in case additional antivenom is needed upon arrival, and also to restock field medics that have used their supply.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy against all major syndromes and low incidence of serious adverse reactions of approximately 1% based on current publications.
Indications: Broad spectrum polyvalent directly indicated for the treatment of neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by 27 different species of Middle Eastern, North African, and Central Asian snakes from the families Elapidae and Viperidae. First line for snake envenomations in this region when the causative species is unknown or among those for which the product is directly indicated.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 2 vials POLYSERP-M may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Reconstitute every 2 vials of POLYSERP-M in the same 10 mL syringe by mixing the first vial, drawing it back up into syringe, and injecting it into the second vial to yield 2 vials/1 syringe (6 vial dose = 3 syringes total). Administer sequentially via slow, continuous direct IV or IO push over approximately 2 minutes each. If a reaction occurs stop the push, treat the reaction, reassess response to treatment criteria. Dilute remaining dose in a 100 mL bag of isotonic fluids and administer via slow IV or IO infusion over 30 mins if needed.
Direct push is recommended for convenience, but POLYSERP-M may also be administered via IV or IO infusion. Mix in a 50 mL or 100 mL bag of isotonic fluids and administer the entire bag over 5 – 10 mins.
South African Vaccine Producers, South Africa - SAVP SAIMR Polyvalent Snake Antivenom (SAIMR-P) (Liquid/refrigerated) 50,173–181 :
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Requires cold chain refrigeration. Recommend storing small quantities at strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities in AFRICOM AOR.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy but very high rates of anaphylaxis ranging from 25% - 75% have been documented in multiple publications.
Indications: This polyvalent can be used to treat neurotoxic and cytotoxic envenomations by 10 different species of African snakes. The product has been used successfully to treat additional species of African snakes through paraspecific neutralization, but research in this area is limited and most experiences are anecdotal. The 10 species listed below are the official treatment indications recommended by the manufacturer:
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 5 vials SAIMR-P may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Pretreatment: Recommended for this antivenom. Administer 0.25 mg epinephrine injected SQ prior to beginning antivenom infusion to reduce the risk of a serious reaction. Pediatric epinephrine dose is weight based (0.01 mg/kg).
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
South African Vaccine Producers, South Africa - SAVP SAIMR Boomslang Monovalent (SAIMR-B) (Liquid/Refrigerated) 173–181:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Requires cold chain refrigeration. Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities in sub-Saharan Africa.
Adverse reactions: No clinical trials but effective anecdotally and in case reports. Moderate to high rates of anaphylaxis are anticipated based on limited case reports of patients treated with SAIMR-B.
Indications: This monovalent is only effective for the boomslang.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 1 vial SAIMR-B may be repeated, if needed, at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 until cessation of all active bleeding or at 6, 12, and 24 for coagulopathy without bleeding.
Pretreatment: RECOMMENDED for this antivenom. Administer 0.25 mg epinephrine injected SQ prior to beginning antivenom infusion to reduce the risk of a serious reaction. Pediatric doses should be weight based at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg, up to 0.25 mg.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
National Antivenom & Vaccine Production Center, Saudi Arabia - Polyvalent Snake Antivenom (NAVPC-P) (Liquid/Refrigerated)182-186:
Unknown neurotoxic, hemotoxic, or cytotoxic envenomation with no indications of improvement after 10 vials of POLYSERP-M. Directly or indirectly covers some of the WHO category 1 and category 2 snakes in this region for which an antivenom currently exists.
Feasibility of use in austere environments: NOT RECOMMENDED for operational settings. Requires refrigeration, moderate to high rates of adverse reactions are anticipated. Better alternatives exist. If purchased it should be kept at Role 2 & 3 facilities in the Arabian Peninsula.
Adverse reactions: Insufficient evidence to determine risk of adverse reactions at this time.
Indications: This polyvalent can be used to treat neurotoxic and cytotoxic envenomations by 6 different species of Middle Eastern, North African, and Central Asian snakes. It may be able to neutralize venom from additional species through paraspecific neutralization but this has not been researched.187–192 The 6 species listed below are the official treatment indications recommended by the manufacturer:
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 5 vials NAVPC-C may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Pretreatment: Recommended for this antivenom due to insufficient evidence for determining risk of EARs. Administer 0.25 mg epinephrine injected SQ prior to beginning antivenom infusion to reduce the risk of a serious reaction. Pediatric doses should be weight based at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg, up to 0.25 mg.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
Formulation, storage, stability, safety, and efficacy for six antivenoms available in the AFRICOM area of responsibility. EchiTAb-Plus is included for reference but is not recommended due to limited species coverage, low availability, and high rates of anaphylaxis. Note: Specific indications according to the package insert.
Safe and effective broad-spectrum, field-stable antivenoms are available for all three syndromes of snake envenomation in this AOR and treatment does not require identification of the species responsible. Snakebite treatment at the point of injury is recommended for CENTCOM due to potential for prolonged evacuation times, high incidence of snakebites, and the high risk of death or permanent disability from many venomous snakes in the AOR if early antivenom treatment is not available.
Adverse Reaction Management
Sudden Collapse Syndrome Treatment Protocol
Patient presents within 30 minutes of the bite with rapid onset shock ± angioedema, altered mental status, systemic bleeding, and diarrhea.1
See Sudden Collapse Syndrome section for more information.
For emergency consultations, call the ADVISOR telemedicine hotline (866-972-9966) and select toxicology from the phone menu.
For additional information about snake bite management or this CPG, email or call 415-218-2211.
FIRST LINE CENTCOM - Arabian Peninsula/Middle East/Central Asia: POLYSERP-M
POLYSERP / Inosan, Spain - POLYSERP MENA Polyvalent (POLYSERP-M) (Freeze dried/Unrefrigerated) 162–172
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Recommended for use in operational settings and specifically designed to fill the capability gap for ground medics operating in these areas. Updated version of Inoserp MENA made specifically for the austere and operational medicine environment. Freeze-dried, unrefrigerated, stable at temperatures >100º F for at least 180 days without loss of efficacy. Broad coverage and simple dosing enable administration in the field for any symptomatic snakebite by unknown species in this region. Special operations and conventional units deploying to austere operational environments and areas with critical threat venomous species should carry 8 vials per medic. It is recommended that a reserve quantity is stocked in all role 2 and role 3 facilities in AFRICOM in case additional antivenom is needed upon arrival, and also to restock field medics that have used their supply.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy against all major syndromes and low incidence of serious adverse reactions of approximately 1% based on current publications.
Indications: Broad spectrum polyvalent directly indicated for the treatment of neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by 27 different species of Middle Eastern, North African, and Central Asian snakes from the families Elapidae and Viperidae. First line for snake envenomations in this region when the causative species is unknown or among the species for which the product is directly indicated.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 2 vials POLYSERP-M may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Reconstitute every 2 vials of POLYSERP-M in the same 10 mL syringe by mixing the first vial, drawing it back up into syringe, and injecting it into the second vial to yield 2 vials/1 syringe (6 vial dose = 3 syringes total). Administer sequentially via slow, continuous direct IV or IO push over approximately 2 minutes each. If a reaction occurs stop the push, treat the reaction, reassess response to treatment criteria. Dilute remaining dose in a 100 mL bag of isotonic fluids and administer via slow IV or IO infusion over 30 mins if needed.
Direct push is recommended for convenience, but POLYSERP-M may also be administered via IV or IO infusion. Mix in a 50 mL or 100 mL bag of isotonic fluids and administer the entire bag over 5 – 10 mins.
Shanghai Institute of Biological Products, China - Agkistrodon (Gloydius) halys Monovalent Antivenom (SIOBP-G): (Liquid/Refrigerated)194–196:
NOTE: This product is listed as Agkistrodon halys on the SIOBP website and product packaging but the taxonomy for this species has changed. Agkistrodon halys was moved to the genus Gloydius and should be listed as Gloydius halys as it is listed elsewhere. The product is abbreviated as SIOBP-G in the CPGs to account for this correction.
First line (CENTCOM - MIDDLE EAST / CENTRAL ASIA): Monovalent for the WHO category 2 species Gloydius halys. Indicated only for confirmed envenomation by Gloydius halys or related Gloydius species. Does not provide coverage against any other WHO category 1 or category 2 species.
Second line (CENTCOM - MIDDLE EAST / CENTRAL ASIA): Indicated for unknown cytotoxic and/or hemotoxic envenomation in Middle East or Central Asia with no signs of improvement after 10 vials of POLYSERP-M.
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Requires cold chain refrigeration. Recommend storing small quantities at strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities in CENTCOM AOR.
Incidence of adverse reactions: Low to moderate rates of EARs and serum sickness are anticipated but clinical evidence is limited.
Indications: This monovalent can be used to treat cytotoxic and hemotoxic envenomations by Gloydius halys, a pit viper native to the Middle East and Central Asia. It will most likely neutralize venom from related species in the genus Gloydius through paraspecificity, but this has not been tested in detail. There are several publications indicating that it may also have paraspecificity against some of the Southeast Asian green pit vipers from the genera Cryptelytrops and Trimeresurus.196,197 However, it is not currently indicated by the manufacturer for these species.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 2 vials SIOBP-G may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
SECOND LINE CENTCOM - Middle East/Central Asi): RAZI-P
Razi Serum and Vaccine Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran - Polyvalent Snake Antivenom (RAZI-P) (Liquid/refrigerated)198-205:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Requires cold chain refrigeration. Recommend storing small quantities at strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities in CENTCOM AOR or selecting alternative second line from this CPG.
Adverse reactions: Limited evidence but appears to be low based on current publications.
Indications: This polyvalent can be used to treat neurotoxic and cytotoxic envenomations by 6 different species of Middle Eastern, North African, and Central Asian snakes. It may be able to neutralize venom from additional species through paraspecific neutralization but this has not been researched. The 6 species listed below are the official treatment indications recommended by the manufacturer:
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 5 vials RAZI-P may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
National Antivenom & Vaccine Production Center, Saudi Arabia - Polyvalent Snake Antivenom (NAVPC-P) (Liquid/Refrigerated) 187-192 :
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Requires refrigeration, moderate to high rates of adverse reactions are anticipated. Better alternatives exist. If purchased it should be kept at Role 2 & 3 facilities in the Arabian Peninsula.
Adverse reactions: Insufficient evidence to determine risk of adverse reactions at this time.
Indications: This polyvalent can be used to treat neurotoxic and cytotoxic envenomations by 6 different species of Middle Eastern, North African, and Central Asian snakes. It may be able to neutralize venom from additional species through paraspecific neutralization but this has not been researched. The 6 species listed below are the official treatment indications recommended by the manufacturer:
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 5 vials NAVPC-C may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Pretreatment: RECOMMENDED for this antivenom due to insufficient evidence for determining risk of EARs. Administer 0.25 mg epinephrine injected SQ prior to beginning antivenom infusion to reduce the risk of a serious reaction. Pediatric doses should be weight based at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg, up to 0.25 mg.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
Safe and effective broad-spectrum, refrigerated antivenoms are available for all three syndromes of snake envenomation due to European viper species in this AOR and treatment does not require identification of the species responsible. Snakebite treatment at the point of injury is not routinely recommended for EUCOM. This section provides specifics about antivenoms use in this region
Adverse Reaction Management
Sudden Collapse Syndrome Treatment Protocol
Patient presents within 30 minutes of the bite with rapid onset shock ± angioedema, altered mental status, systemic bleeding, and diarrhea.1
See Sudden Collapse Syndrome section for more information.
For emergency consultations, call the ADVISOR telemedicine hotline (866-972-9966) and select toxicology from the phone menu.
For additional information about snake bite management or this CPG, email or call 415-218-2211.
Sanofi-Pasteur, France - Viperfav (VIPERFAV) (Freeze dried/Refrigerated) 206-212:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Requires cold chain refrigeration between 2 - 8 ºC (35.6 - 46.4 ºF). Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities. Likely to retain efficacy for several weeks in the field but should be disposed of after that duration of time outside refrigeration.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy against all major syndromes and low incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Polyvalent antivenom directly indicated for the treatment of neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by Vipera berus, V. aspis, V. ammodytes but has demonstrated efficacy against other species of European vipers (genus Vipera) as well.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 1 vial VIPERFAV may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
Micropharm, UK - ViperaTAb (VIPERATAB) (Freeze dried/Refrigerated) 206,210,213–215:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Requires cold chain refrigeration between 2 - 8 ºC (35.6 - 46.4 ºF). Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities. Likely to retain efficacy for several weeks in the field but should be disposed of after that duration of time outside refrigeration.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy against UK / Scandinavian European viper (Vipera berus) envenomations and low incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Polyvalent antivenom directly indicated for the treatment of neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by Vipera berus. Has demonstrated efficacy against other species of European vipers (V. aspis, V. ammodytes) as well but is not directly indicated for these species.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional 2 vials VIPERATAB may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Each box of VIPERATAB comes with two 4 mL vials of antivenom (one box = one dose). Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 100 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
Safe and effective broad-spectrum, field-stable antivenoms are available for all three syndromes of snake envenomation in Southeast Asia and several other areas within this AOR. Snakebite treatment in INDOPACOM as a whole is more complex than AFRICOM or CENTCOM due to the lack of a truly pan-Asian polyvalent product. Treatment in many places does not require identification of the species responsible, but products are syndrome specific and there is no single product for all 3 syndromes. Snakebite treatment at the point of injury is recommended for areas within the INDOPACOM AOR where field-stable antivenoms are available. This section provides specifics about antivenoms use in this region.
Adverse Reaction Management
Sudden Collapse Syndrome Treatment Protocol
Patient presents within 30 minutes of the bite with rapid onset shock ± angioedema, altered mental status, systemic bleeding, and diarrhea.1
See Sudden Collapse Syndrome section for more information.
For emergency consultations, call the ADVISOR telemedicine hotline (866-972-9966) and select toxicology from the phone menu.
For additional information about snake bite management or this CPG, email or call 415-218-2211.
Thai Red Cross, Thailand - Hemato Polyvalent Antivenom (TRC-HPAV) (Freeze dried/Unrefrigerated) 62,196, 197, 216–218:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Recommended for operational settings. Unrefrigerated storage at ambient tropical temperatures of ≤ 25º C / 77º F. Lyophilized product that likely retains stability at higher temperatures for short excursions (likely up to several months). Recommend carrying full dose into field on extended operations in austere environments and storing larger quantities at strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities in INDOPACOM AOR.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy against and low incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Polyvalent antivenom directly indicated for the treatment of hemotoxic and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by Calloselasma rhodostoma, Trimersurus albolabris, and Daboia russelli siamensis. Has demonstrated efficacy against other related species of Asian vipers within the same genera (Crytelytrops, Popeia, Daboia, etc.); is not directly indicated for these species but is the best hemotoxic / cytotoxic polyvalent in the region and should be tried as first line in most cases.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional 2 vials TRC-HPAV may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
FIRST LINE INDOPACOM - Southeast Asia Broad Spectrum Neurotoxic: TRC-NPAV
Thai Red Cross, Thailand - Neuro Polyvalent Antivenom (TRC-NPAV) (Freeze dried/Unrefrigerated) 62,196,217,219–221,:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Recommended for operational settings. Unrefrigerated storage at ambient tropical temperatures of ≤ 25º C / 77º F. Lyophilized product that likely retains stability at higher temperatures for field excursions (likely stable for several months at higher temps based on data from similar products). Recommend carrying full dose into field on extended operations in austere environments and storing larger quantities at strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities in INDOPACOM AOR.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy and low incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Polyvalent antivenom directly indicated for the treatment of hemotoxic and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by Ophiophagus hannah, Naja kaouthia, Bungarus candidus, and B. fasciatus candidus. Has demonstrated efficacy against other related species of Asian cobras and kraits; is not directly indicated for these species but is the best hemotoxic / cytotoxic polyvalent in the region and should be tried as the first line in most cases.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional 5 vials TRC-NPAV may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed. Bites from large king cobras may require several dozen vials or more due to massive venom yield.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
FIRST LINE INDOPACOM – Taiwan/Southeast China/N Laos/N Vietnam: NIPM-NBB
National Institute Preventative Medicine, Taiwan - Naja atra / Bungarus multicinctus Bivalent (NIPM-NBB) (Freeze dried/Refrigerated) 222–230:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Conditionally recommended for operational settings during short excursions. Lyophilized but requires cold chain refrigeration below 10ºC (50 ºF); however, testing by Taiwanese CDC showed no loss of potency after 30 days of incubation at 35º C / 95º F and also after it was returned to refrigerated storage for 4 months thereafter. Recommend carrying full dose into field on extended operations in austere environments and storing larger quantities at regional Role 2 & 3 facilities.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy and low incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Polyvalent antivenom directly indicated for the treatment of hemotoxic and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by Naja atra and Bungarus multicinctus. Has demonstrated efficacy against other related species of Asian cobras and kraits but is not directly indicated for these species.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional 5 vials NIPM-NBB may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 100 – 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 – 30 minutes.
Chemo-Sero Therapeutic Research Institute, Japan - Kaketsuken Habu Antivenom (CSTRI-HABU) (Freeze dried/Refrigerated) 231–235:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Lyophilized but requires cold chain refrigeration below 10ºC (50 ºF); likely to retain efficacy for short excursions lasting several weeks in the field but should be disposed of and replaced after extended time outside refrigeration. Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy and low incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Directly indicated for the treatment of hemotoxic and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by the Japanese Habu (Protobothrops [Trimeresurus] flavoviridis)
Pretreatment: Not routinely Indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met; however, total reactions (~11% overall; ~25% serum sickness) higher than other regional products. Consider pretreatment on an individual basis.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional 1 vial CSTRI-HABU may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
Chemo-Sero Therapeutic Research Institute, Japan - Kaketsuken Mamushi Antivenom (CSTRI-MAMU) (Freeze dried/Refrigerated) 231–235:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Lyophilized but requires cold chain refrigeration below 10ºC (50 ºF); likely to retain efficacy for short excursions lasting several weeks in the field but should be disposed of and replaced after extended time outside refrigeration. Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy and low incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Directly indicated for the treatment of hemotoxic and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by the Japanese Mamushi, Gloydius blomhoffi.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional 1 vial CSTRI-MAMU may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
FIRST LINE (INDOPACOM – Japan/China/N Korea/S Korea/Vietnam/E Russia): JSI-AYA
Japan Snake Institute, Japan - Anti-Yamakagashi Antivenom (JSI-AYA) (Freeze dried/Refrigerated) 231–233:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Lyophilized but requires cold chain refrigeration below 10ºC (50 ºF); likely to retain efficacy for short excursions lasting several weeks in the field but should be disposed of and replaced after extended time outside refrigeration. Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy and low incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Directly indicated for the treatment of hemotoxic and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by the Tiger Keelback (Rhabdophis tigrinus) and other East Asian keelbacks.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional 1 vial JSI-AYA may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
Korea Vaccine, Korea - Agkistrodon Mamushi Antivenom (KOVAX-AKA) (Freeze dried/Refrigerated) 234–240:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Lyophilized but requires cold chain refrigeration below 10ºC (50 ºF); likely to retain efficacy for short excursions lasting several weeks in the field but should be disposed of and replaced after extended time outside refrigeration. Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy and low incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Directly indicated for the treatment of hemotoxic and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by the major species of Mamushi in the Korean Peninsula (Gloydius brevicaudus, G. ussuriensis, G. intermedius). May neutralize other related species.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional 1 vial KOVAX-AKA may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
FIRST LINE (INDOPACOM - Taiwan/SE China/N Vietnam/Laos): NIPM-SNV
National Institute Preventative Medicine, Taiwan - Sharp-nosed Viper Monovalent (NIPM-SNV) (Freeze dried/Refrigerated) 223,235–240:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Conditionally recommended for operational settings during short excursions. Lyophilized but requires cold chain refrigeration below 10ºC (50 ºF); however, testing by Taiwanese CDC showed no loss of potency after 30 days of incubation at 35º C / 95º F and also after it was returned to refrigerated storage for 4 months thereafter. Recommend carrying full dose into field on extended operations in austere environments and storing larger quantities at regional Role 2 and 3 facilities.
Adverse reactions: High efficacy and low incidence of serious adverse reactions based on current publications.
Indications: Monovalent antivenom directly indicated for the treatment of hemotoxic and cytotoxic envenomation syndromes caused by Deinagkistrodon acutus.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional 1 vials NIPM-SNV may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
FIRST LINE (INDOPACOM – Marine Environments Only): CSL-SS
Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, Australia - Sea Snake (CSL-SS) (Liquid/Refrigerated) 231-245 :
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Requires cold chain refrigeration between 2 - 8 ºC (35.6 - 46.4 ºF). Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities. Likely to retain efficacy for several weeks in the field but should be disposed of after that duration of time outside refrigeration.
Adverse reactions: High-quality product with low rates of reactions anticipated.
Indications: This polyvalent can be used to treat neurotoxic envenomations by most major species of sea snakes in Australasia.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 1 vials CSL-SS may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
FIRST LINE (INDOPACOM – Maluku/West Papua Islands only): CSL-P
Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, Australia - Polyvalent (CSL-P) (Liquid/Refrigerated) 61, 241, 245-248:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Requires cold chain refrigeration between 2 - 8 ºC (35.6 - 46.4 ºF). Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities. Likely to retain efficacy during short excursion at higher temperatures for several weeks in the field but should be disposed of and replaced afterwards.
Adverse reactions: High-quality product with low rates of reactions anticipated.
Indications: This polyvalent can be used to treat neurotoxic envenomations by the most medically significant species of Australasian elapid snakes found East of Wallace’s line.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 1 vials CSL-P may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
Safe and effective antivenoms are available for all neurotoxic/hemo/cytotoxic pit viper envenomations and for neurotoxic coral snake envenomations in this AOR. Treatment does not require identification of the species responsible. Snakebite treatment at the point of injury is not routinely recommended for NORTHCOM.
For all NORTHCOM antivenoms, refer to the package insert in the antivenom box for specific usage instructions as per FDA regulations for domestically approved products. Also see Unified treatment algorithm for the management of crotaline snakebite in the U.S. (Lavonas et al. 2011) for dosing and management guidelines on pit viper bites.101 This section provides specifics about antivenoms use in this region.
Adverse Reaction Management
Sudden Collapse Syndrome Treatment Protocol
Patient presents within 30 minutes of the bite with rapid onset shock ± angioedema, altered mental status, systemic bleeding, and diarrhea.1
See Sudden Collapse Syndrome section for more information.
For emergency consultations, call the ADVISOR telemedicine hotline (866-972-9966) and select toxicology from the phone menu.
For additional information about snake bite management or this CPG, email or call 415-218-2211.
BTG Therapeutics, USA – CroFab
(Freeze-dried/Refrigerated) 94,95,101,249-250 :
RDT/Instituto Bioclon, USA/Mexico – ANAVIP
(Freeze-dried/Unrefrigerated) 92
Pfizer, USA – North American Coral Snake Antivenom (NACSA)
(Freeze-dried/Refrigerated) 251
Safe and effective antivenoms are available for all hemo/cytotoxic pit viper envenomations and for neurotoxic coral snake envenomations in this AOR. Treatment does not require identification of the species responsible but does require identification of the syndrome. Snakebite treatment at the point of injury is recommended for SOUTHCOM. This section provides specifics about antivenoms use in this region.
Adverse Reaction Management
Sudden Collapse Syndrome Treatment Protocol
Patient presents within 30 minutes of the bite with rapid onset shock ± angioedema, altered mental status, systemic bleeding, and diarrhea.1
See Sudden Collapse Syndrome section for more information.
For emergency consultations, call the ADVISOR telemedicine hotline (866-972-9966) and select toxicology from the phone menu.
For additional information about snake bite management or this CPG, email or call 415-218-2211.
Instituto Bioclon, Mexico – ANTIVIPMYN-TRI (BIOCL-AVT) (Freeze dried/Unrefrigerated) 251-255:
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Recommended for operational settings. Unrefrigerated storage at ambient tropical temperatures of ≤ 37º C / 98.6º F. Lyophilized product that likely retains stability at higher temperatures for short excursions. Recommend carrying full dose or loading dose (≥ 5 vials) into field on extended operations in austere environments and storing larger quantities at strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities in SOUTHCOM AOR.
Adverse reactions: High-quality product with low rates of reactions anticipated.
Indications: This broad-spectrum polyvalent can be used to treat hemotoxic and cytotoxic envenomations by more than 14 different species of Central and South American snakes. It may be able to neutralize venom from additional species through paraspecific neutralization but this has not been officially determined. The species listed below are the official treatment indications recommended by the manufacturer:
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 5 vials BIOCL-AVT may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
FIRST LINE (SOUTHCOM – Central America/South America): BIOCL-COR
Instituto Bioclon, Mexico - CORALMYN (BIOCL-COR) (Liquid/Refrigerated) 256-262:
First Line (SOUTHCOM – Central America): Neurotoxic envenomation in Central America by coral snakes or unknown species (coral snakes are only strictly neurotoxic snakes in SOUTHCOM AOR).
Second Line (SOUTHCOM – South America): May treat some coral snakes in South America but major coverage gaps in that region compared to the first line for South America (INS-AAP).
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Requires cold chain refrigeration between 2 - 8 ºC (35.6 - 46.4 ºF). Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities in South America. Likely to retain efficacy for several weeks in the field but should be disposed of after that duration of time outside refrigeration.
Adverse reactions: High-quality product with low rates of reactions anticipated.
Indications: This polyvalent can be used to treat neurotoxic envenomations by most major species of Central American coral snakes from the genus Micrurus.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 5 vials BIOCL-COR may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
Instituto Nacional de Salud, Colombia - Antiveneno Anticoral Polivalente (INS-AAP) (Liquid/Refrigerated) 260-2:
First Line (SOUTHCOM – South America): Broadest efficacy against neurotoxic snake bites by coral snakes or unknown species in South America. Coral snakes are the only strictly neurotoxic species in SOUTHCOM.
Second Line (SOUTHCOM – Central America): Should treat most coral snake species in Central America but will have some coverage gaps compared to the first line for Central America (BIOCL-COR).
Feasibility of use in austere environments: Not recommended for operational settings. Liquid product that requires cold chain refrigeration between 4 - 8 ºC / 39.2 - 46.4 ºF. Recommend storing several vials at a small number of strategically located Role 2 & 3 facilities in South America. Likely to retain efficacy for several weeks in the field but should be disposed of after that duration of time outside refrigeration.
Adverse reactions: High-quality product with low rates of reactions anticipated.
Indications: This polyvalent can be used to treat neurotoxic envenomations by most major species of South American coral snakes from the genus Micrurus as well as some Central American species.
Initial dosing by syndrome:
Additional dosing: Additional doses of 5 vials INS-AAP may be given at hours 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 if needed.
Pretreatment: Not routinely indicated unless patient is unstable, asthmatic/atopic, known hypersensitivity or other pretreatment criteria met. Low risk of severe allergic reactions and other EARs.
Preparation and administration: Dilute the entire dose of antivenom in a single 250 - 500 mL bag of isotonic solution and administer by intravenous infusion over 10 - 30 minutes.
Population of Interest
All patients injured by snakes.
Intent (Expected Outcomes)
1. All snakebite patients should be managed according to the steps outlined in the Universal Approach to Snakebite Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment section.
2. Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of snakebite patients should be based on the clinical syndrome of envenomation and not the identity of the snake species responsible for the bite.
When a broad-spectrum antivenom does not exist for a given syndrome in a given area, follow the steps outlined in the regional algorithms to determine the most appropriate antivenom therapy for the patient.
3. Snakebites are dynamic events and patients must be frequently reassessed for signs of neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic syndromes throughout the course of care as some syndromes will develop than others.
4. There are no absolute contraindications to antivenom administration for a patient with a symptomatic snake envenomation.
5. Antivenom administration should be performed by medical providers capable of providing advanced life support and trained to a minimum level of paramedic (or DoD equivalent) and higher (i.e. SOCM, 18D, PJ, IDC, IDMT, RN, PA, MD or DO, etc.)
6. Early antivenom treatment is the standard of care for snake envenomations worldwide. Whenever possible, the appropriate antivenom should be administered in the field prior to medevac to neutralize circulating venom before significant and potentially irreversible damage has occurred.
7. If antivenom is not available, the patient should be transferred to a facility that maintains a stock of the appropriate antivenom. Confirm that the receiving facility has the correct antivenom in stock prior to transfer. If the receiving facility does not have the correct product(s) in stock, then that facility should be bypassed for a facility that is stocking the appropriate products.
8. Antivenom dosage, preparation, and administration procedures for each product should be performed as detailed for each specific product.
9. Tetanus prophylaxis should be given prior to discharge when needed.
10. Fasciotomy is contraindicated for snakebite and all cases of suspected compartment syndrome should be managed with additional doses of antivenom and elevation ≥ 60 degrees to reduce oncotic pressure in the bitten limb.
11. Initiate a telemedicine consult with a qualified snakebite expert for any questions, concerns, or unusual manifestations that arise.
12. Do not attempt to kill or capture the snake for identification purposes as treatment is based on clinical findings. If a photo of the snake is available it can be sent to an expert for identification, but this should not delay antivenom treatment in a symptomatic patient with signs and symptoms of any envenomation syndrome.
Performance/Adherence Metrics
System Reporting & Frequency
The above constitutes the minimum criteria for PI monitoring of this CPG. System reporting will be performed annually; additional PI monitoring and system reporting to FDA through Force Health Protection (FHP), U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA) are required under AR 40-7 (see Appendix B for complete reporting requirement).
It is the trauma team leader’s responsibility to ensure familiarity, appropriate compliance and PI monitoring at the local level with this CPG.
Whole Blood Clotting Test for Venom-Induced Consumptive Coagulopathies
The whole blood clotting test (WBCT) is a simple but critical bedside gross examination used in the assessment, diagnosis, and therapeutic monitoring of snakebite patients in the developing world and remote environments.1-10 Refer to the diagram below regarding instructions for performing the test. At minutes 20 and 30, the tube is gently picked up and tilted 90 degrees; a stable solid clot retained within the tube is scored “Grade 0” and indicates normal coagulation. Abnormal results are scored “Grade 1” for a partial, semisolid clot that breaks apart and detaches from the glass tube shortly after it is turned or “Grade 2” for completely incoagulable liquid blood that pours out of the tube immediately. Attempting to score the test earlier than 20 minutes will not yield accurate results due to the consumptive mechanism of the coagulopathy. Using a healthy donor as a control is ideal to confirm questionable findings.
Continue WBCT testing throughout the course of care to monitor for secondary resumption of venom-induced consumptive coagulopathy.11-13 After control of the envenomation has been achieved, reassess WBCT every 24 hours throughout the course of hospitalization. It is important to remember that the WBCT must be interpreted in the context of the larger clinical picture. If a patient has improved in all parameters except for a persistent abnormal WBCT, it may reflect an inertia in replenishment of depleted clotting factors after a severe hemotoxic envenomation.1 If the venom is active then hematocrit should continue to decrease or signs of ongoing hemolysis or bleeding should be present.
The purpose of this Appendix is to ensure an understanding of DoD policy and practice regarding inclusion in CPGs of “off- label” uses of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved products and use of antivenoms that are not FDA-approved. This applies to patients who are armed forces members and select DoD civilian employees and contractor personnel.
Unapproved (i.e., “off-label”) uses of FDA-approved products are extremely common in American medicine and are usually not subject to any special regulations. However, under Federal law, in some circumstances, unapproved uses of approved products are subject to FDA regulations governing “investigational new drugs.” These circumstances include such uses as part of clinical trials, and in the military context, command required or requested, unapproved uses such as investigational medical products requesting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs approval to be used under a force health protection (FHP) program as described in DoD Instruction 6200.02. Some command requested unapproved uses may also be subject to special regulations. Antivenoms not FDA-approved and used by the DoD outside the United States are regulated using a unique investigational new drug (IND) program by FDA through the FHP Division of U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA) in accordance with AR 40-7.
The inclusion in CPGs of off-label and IND uses is not a clinical trial, nor is it a command request or requirement. Further, it does not imply that the Military Health System requires DoD health care practitioners use nor considers it to be the “standard of care.” Rather, the inclusion in CPGs of off-label and IND uses is to inform the clinical judgment of the responsible health care practitioner by providing information regarding potential risks and benefits of treatment alternatives. The decision is for the clinical judgment of the responsible health care practitioner within the practitioner-patient relationship.
Balanced Discussion
Consistent with this purpose, CPG discussions of off-label and IND uses specifically state that their uses are not approved by the FDA. Further, such discussions are balanced in the presentation of appropriate clinical study data, including any such data that suggest caution in the use of the product and specifically including any FDA-issued warnings.
Quality Assurance Monitoring
With respect to such off-label and IND uses, DoD procedure is to maintain a regular system of quality assurance monitoring of outcomes and known potential adverse events. For this reason, the importance of accurate clinical records is underscored.
Per AR 40-7, use of antivenoms not approved by FDA must be reported within 14 days to the pharmacy service, pharmacy staff officer, and FHP, USAMMDA ( The following information is required:
Information to Patients
Good clinical practice includes the provision of appropriate information to patients. Each CPG discussing an unusual off- label or IND use will address the issue of information to patients. When practicable, consideration will be given to including in an appendix an appropriate information sheet for distribution to patients, whether before or after use of the product.
Information to patients should address in plain language: a) that the use is not approved by the FDA; b) the reasons why a DoD health care practitioner would decide to use the product for this purpose; and c) the potential risks associated with such use.