Italicized Text indicates recommendations that are significantly different from human TCCC
BOLD TEXT indicates changes from the 2020 K9TCCC edition
The Joint Trauma System K9TCCC Guidelines are applicable to all Military Working Dogs, Multi-Purpose Canines, Contract Working Dogs or other working dogs that may be present in a deployed or operational environment.
Change the previous MWD and canine terminology references to “K9” to reflect the multiple type of working dogs that may be in a deployed environment. Standardize use of “K9” over “c-” as the official designator for canine products within the Joint Trauma System.
Details or language from the 2019 K9TCCC Guidelines related more to the execution of technical skills have been removed and will be included in the upcoming tiered K9TCCC course packages.
K9TCCC Tactical Field Care:
5. Medication: Addition of Medication consideration between Massive Hemorrhage and Airway Management for K9s.
6. Airway Management: (6d) Previous details or references related to use of mouth gags, laryngoscope and other technical skills for orotracheal/endotracheal intubation have been moved to K9TCCC course packages for further elaboration. Acceptable SpO2 values for intubated K9s on room/atmospheric air has been changed to >90%.
7. Respiration/Breathing: (7a) Anatomic references for localizing the landmarks utilized for needle chest decompression have been moved to the K9TCCC course packages for further elaboration. The catheter/needle combination for NDC should no longer be inserted as a unit to the hub in K9s. Instead, they should be inserted approximately ½ the length of the needle to allow entry into the pleural space and decompression before the catheter is fed off the needle to its hub. (7b) Removed reference to four-sides of adhesive tape for securing a chest seal on a K9 hair coat. Most adherent occlusive chest seals have enough adhesive to stick to the hair coat with better success than tape. Excessive details related to technical skills or clinical knowledge needed for Respiration/Breathing have been moved to the K9TCCC course packages in order to streamline the guidelines.
8. Circulation: (8c) Anatomic locations and technical details for placement of an IV/IO catheter have been moved to the K9TCCC course packages. (8d) Dosing instructions for TXA in a K9 casualty have changed to administering 0.5 gram via slow IV push. (8e) Additions of guidance for the use of calcium supplementation after administration of two K9 blood products. Removal of TBI as a diagnosis and replacement with head injury. (8f) Further clarification is added on who can and where to perform a finger thoracostomy/chest tube insertion.
9. Hypothermia Prevention: Section has been significantly updated to reflect and align with the CoTCCC 2021 TCCC Guidelines language.
12. Analgesia and Sedation/Chemical Restraint: (12a) Meloxicam has been removed for Mild to Moderate Pain. Section has been reorganized into “Mild Pain”, “Moderate to Severe Pain”, and “Chemical Restraint/Sedation” categories for analgesia medications and doses. Ketamine is authorized for Mild Pain and a 50mg dose is listed, while 100mg is reserved for chemical restraint/sedation. Ketamine should be given in combination with either an opioid and/or a benzodiazepine to minimize dissociative effects in K9s. (12b) Updates provided that reflect and align with the CoTCCC 2021 TCCC Guidelines language and the relevant differences between human and K9 patients to consider.
14. Inspect Wounds: (14b) Addition of information for addressing abdominal evisceration.
16. Burns: (16a) Updated guidance on total body surface area estimation based on current K9 specific literature (Henriksson A, et al. 2022). (16e) Hextend has been removed as a recommendation for fluid resuscitation in K9TCCC.
17. Splint Fractures: (17b) Removal of reference to SAM or spoon splints.
18. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): CPR section has been moved up before Communication in alignment with CoTCCC 2021 TCCC Guidelines.
19. Communication: Details regarding S-MIST reporting in K9 casualties has been moved to the K9TCCC course packages for further elaboration.
20. Documentation of Care: (20a) Addition of information regarding DD Form 3073 K9TCCC Card.
21. Prepare for Evacuation: Removal of previous guidance to transport injured K9 requiring emergent surgery to the closest surgical team regardless of if there is a veterinary team in that location. (21e) Refers to staging K9 casualties for evacuation IAW with unit SOPs which should include consideration for location of veterinary assets in the MEDCOP that the K9 can be transported to in relation to concurrent human casualties.
Principles of K9TCCC Tactical Evacuation (TACEVAC):
The K9TCCC Guidelines now include a section on the Basic Management Plan for Tactical Evacuation Care that aligns with the language of the CoTCCC 2021 TCCC Guidelines. Considerations for differences between K9 and human casualties is provided.
6. Head Trauma: (6a, b) Language now includes guidance for Tactical Evacuation Care of head injuries in K9s.
Tactical Field Care (TFC) is the care rendered by the first responder or combatant once no longer under effective hostile fire. Tactical Field Care allows more time and a little more safety, to provide further medical care.
Assess for unrecognized hemorrhage and control all sources of bleeding with manual or direct pressure via application of hemostatic agents, pressure bandages and/or wound packing as first line intervention. Use kaolin-impregnated bandage (e.g., Combat Gauze) as the CoTCCC hemostatic dressing of choice.
Alternative hemostatic adjuncts:
Hemostatic dressings should be applied with at least 3 minutes of direct pressure (optional for injectable hemostatic agents). Each dressing works differently, so if one fails to control bleeding, it may be removed and a fresh dressing of the same type or a different type applied. (Note: injectable hemostatic agent is not to be removed in the field, but additional injectable hemostatic agent, other hemostatic adjuncts, or trauma dressings may be applied over it.)
Junctional wounds should be treated with rapid application and packing with hemostatic dressings and direct pressure to control bleeding.
CoTCCC-recommended windlass, limb tourniquets designed for humans (e.g., C-A-T, SOFTT-W) tend to slip distally and fail on K9s due to conformational differences; they should NOT be used as first line therapy for hemorrhage control in K9s.
The only tourniquet that should be considered for use in a K9 with a massive extremity hemorrhage is a stretchable and elastic tourniquet such as the SWAT-T. The material type and wide design allow it to mold to any limb size or conformation and serve as an effective circumferential pressure bandage on a K9’s limb.
Junctional tourniquets have not been evaluated in K9s and are not recommended at this time.
Perform initial assessment for hemorrhagic shock and consider immediate initiation for shock resuscitation efforts.
Conscious K9 with no airway problems identified:
Unconscious K9 without airway obstruction:
Perform basic airway maneuvers:
Extend the head and neck into a straight in-line position.
Grasp the tongue, gently extend it out of the mouth, and pull it down over the lower jaw.
Consider endotracheal intubation to achieve/maintain patent airway if progression of clinical signs warrant (refer to 6d).
Consider using a mouth gag to keep the K9’s mouth open and prevent damage to endotracheal tube.
K9 with airway obstruction or impending airway obstruction:
Allow a conscious K9 to assume any position that best allows it to breathe with minimal restriction of air flow and protects the airway (position of comfort), to include sitting or standing.
Place an unconscious K9 in the recovery position.
Palpate throat (pharyngeal area, larynx, and trachea) to identify any abnormal mass or foreign material.
Open mouth to examine oropharyngeal area:
Avoid placing hands or fingers directly in the K9’s mouth.
Consider using a leash, rope or roll gauze looped behind the upper and lower K9 teeth to hold the K9’s mouth open.
Consider sedating the K9 (see Section 12 below).
Use suction to clear airway if available, appropriate and feasible based upon K9 disposition/mental status.
If the previous measures are unsuccessful to clear or remove the airway obstruction, or the K9 collapses or becomes unconscious consider one of the following techniques. All K9 airway support requires continuous patient monitoring and care:
Orotracheal Intubation (OTI) / Endotracheal Intubation (ETI):
If the necessary equipment is available, the preferred technique for gaining airway access in an unconscious or anesthetized K9 without oral trauma based on resources available and expected evacuation time. With training this can be accomplished in field conditions.
K9 needs to be maintained at a surgical plane of anesthesia.
Intubation is most easily performed in sternal or lateral with head and neck extended with tongue pulled forward.
Use largest available tube up to 10.0 mm internal diameter, with or without laryngoscopy.
If previous measures are not feasible, unsuccessful, or if the K9 regains consciousness and cannot be maintained under anesthesia, perform a surgical airway based on skills, experience, proficiency and authorizations of the treating medical provider.
Figure 2. Position MWD for intubation
Figure 3. Place tip of laryngoscope blade on back of tongue
DO NOT TOUCH THE EPIGLOTTIS (triangular tissue guarding the opening of the trachea)
Figure 4. Push downward with the laryngoscope blade to move the epiglottis and visualize the trachea
Figure 5. Using a slight side to side motion, guide the endotracheal tube over the epiglottis between the vocal cords
Figure 6. Advance and secure endotracheal tube
Advance the endotracheal tube into the trachea until your marked spot is even with the canine teeth.
Secure tube by placing attached roll gauze behind canine teeth and tying the loose ends in a bow around the upper or lower jaw.
Figure 7. Check for proper placement.
One tube= In the trachea
Two tubes= In the esophagus
Figure 8. Inflate the cuff with a syringe until back pressure is noted
Surgical Airways
Surgical Cricothyrotomy (CTT)
Use techniques recommended for humans.
Bougie-aided open surgical, flanged and cuffed airway cannula, with largest diameter tube available up to 8mm internal diameter.
Standard open surgical, flanged and cuffed airway cannula, with largest diameter tube available up to 8mm internal diameter.
Surgical Tube Tracheostomy (STT)
Use the largest internal diameter that fits into K9 trachea; aim for a TT that is at least 70% of the estimated internal tracheal lumen diameter.
Select a TT length of 5-8cm or one that does not extend beyond the thoracic inlet/point of the shoulder.
Blind Insertion Airway Device / Nasopharyngeal airways / Extraglottic Airway Devices should NOT be utilized in K9s due to their anatomy.
K9s possess a proportionally larger tracheal lumen diameter as compared to humans.
If necessary, assisted ventilation via a bag valve mask (BVM) device can be performed at a rate of 8-10 breaths per minute with the mask portion removed.
Figure 9. Position MWD on its back
Extend the neck and place something under it to force it upwards, making it easier to visualize the trachea.
Figure 10. Make a full thickness skin incision along the center of the neck 2-3 finger widths below the larynx (voice box)using a scalpel blade.
If obstruction is in the trachea you must use a lower spot; otherwise use landmarks given.
Do NOT make a transverse skin incision (perpendicular to the long axis of the trachea), as this increases the risk of injury to adjacent vessels and nerves.
Figure 11. Use a scalpel to carefully separate the muscles the run parallel to the incision.
Figure 12. Hold the muscles apart to visualize the trachea
Figure 13. Make an incision in the trachea.
Stabilize the trachea with non-dominant hand
Make an incision between two rings of the trachea (between the 3rd and 4th or 4th and 5th tracheal cartilages). Do NOT extend the incision more than one-half (50%) of the diameter of the trachea. Do NOT incise at the cricothyroid ligament, as is done in people.
Remove blood or mucus, if present.
Figure 14. Insert the tracheal retractor into the trachea
Figure 15. Hook a lower tracheal ring and lift up so you can visualize the tracheal opening
Figure 16. Insert tracheostomy tube (ideal) or endotracheal tube through the incision and direct the distal opening down the trachea.
Use the largest tube that will fit in the trachea; (7-11mm internal diameter tubes are typical).
Figure 17. Immediately provide supplemental oxygen
Breathe in the tube or use a hand-operated resuscitator
Figure 18. Secure the tracheal tube
Secure the tracheal tube by attaching gauze bandage to the tube and tying it around the dog’s neck in a bow knot. Inflate the cuff until you get back pressure.
If using a tracheostomy tube, secure the tracheostomy tube to the patient using umbilical tape, roll gauze, or similar material tied to the wings of the tube and passed around the neck and tied with a quick release knot. Insert the inner cannula (if provided) in the tracheostomy tube (if used) and inflate the cuff of the tracheostomy tube.
Cervical spine stabilization in the K9 casualty is difficult to achieve in a tactical environment and not required.
Monitor capnography (End Tidal CO2) and pulse oximetry (SpO2) in K9s when available to help assess airway patency.
Capnography setup and values for K9s is the same as for humans.
Normal SpO2 values in K9s are similar to those in humans (> 90% on room / atmospheric air). Pulse Oximetry probe placement for K9s in order of preference: tongue, non-pigmented area of lip, ear pinna, prepuce (male) or vulva (female).
Always remember that the K9’s airway status may change over time and requires continuous reassessment.
Airway Notes:
Consider a K9 that is barking, growling, or whining without any clinical signs of respiratory distress to have a patent airway. This is similar to a human casualty that can speak clearly without any respiratory distress.
Consider monitoring K9 rectal temperature for hyperthermia related to upper airway obstruction or hypothermia due to shock.
Figure 19. Apply occlusive seal to wound
Figure 20. Seal the occlusive dressing by applying pressure
Figure 21. Dress the wound
Maintain pressure on occlusive seal.
With free hand, place dressing over occlusive seal.
Use free ends of dressing to bandage around chest.
If the air tight seal is lost at any time during this process, start over.
Figure 22. Apply bandage of non-adherent conforming material over the field dressing to add security
All open and/or sucking chest wounds should be treated by immediately applying a vented chest seal to cover the defect. If a vented chest seal is not available, use a non-vented chest seal. Monitor the K9 for the potential development of a subsequent tension pneumothorax. If the K9 develops increasing hypoxia, respiratory distress, or hypotension and a tension pneumothorax is suspected, treat by burping or removing the dressing or by needle decompression.
K9 hair coats limit the ability to achieve an occlusive seal and may require additional measures including use of petroleum impregnated gauze under the chest seal or a loosely placed circumferential chest wrap.
Initiate pulse oximetry. All K9s with moderate/severe head injury should be monitored with pulse oximetry. Readings may be misleading in the settings of shock or marked hypothermia.
K9s with a head injury should be given supplemental oxygen when available to maintain an oxygen saturation > 90%.
Reassess sites of major hemorrhage and associated hemostatic interventions. If bleeding persists, consider changing or adding additional hemostatic adjuncts (e.g., Combat Gauze, chitosan-based dressings, or X-Stat) and/or reapplying circumferential pressure bandages and wound packing, and/or applying a wide elastic tourniquet (e.g., SWAT-T) where applicable.
Hands-free pressure wound sealer (e.g., iTClamp) should be considered to close bleeding open wounds or can be used concurrently with hemostatic agents.
Pelvic binders are not recommended in K9s at this time.
Expose and clearly mark all tourniquets if they were applied with the time of tourniquet application. Note tourniquets applied and time of application; time of reapplication; time of conversion; and time of removal on the K9TCCC Casualty Card (DD 3073). Use a permanent marker to mark on the tourniquet and the casualty card.
Assess for hemorrhagic shock (pale mucous membranes, inappropriate mentation in the absence of head trauma and/or weak or absent femoral pulse).
Intravenous (IV) or intraosseous (IO) access is indicated if the K9 is in hemorrhagic shock or at a significant risk of shock (and may therefore need fluid resuscitation), or if the K9 needs injectable medications.
An 18-gauge IV or saline lock is preferred.
If vascular access is needed but not quickly obtainable via the IV route, use the IO route.
Figure 23. Position the dog
Muzzle the dog. Handler restrains the dog in a sitting position or lying on its chest. If dog is conscious, handler restrains the dog's head by wrapping the arm around the dog's neck and cradling the dog's head and neck in the elbow.
Figure 24. Occlude the cephalic vein
If dog is conscious, handler places thumb over the cephalic vein and heel of the hand under the dog's elbow. If dog is unconscious, can use a tourniquet. Extend the arm at the elbow.
Figure 25. Placing your thumb directly besides the vein and wrapping your remaining fingers underneath the leg, pierce the skin with the catheter needle
Bevel facing up at a 10 to 30 degree angle to the skin
Figure 26. Pierce the vein by advancing the catheter and then decrease the angle of the catheter until almost parrallel to the skin surface.
The flash of blood confirms correct placement.
Figure 27. Advance the catheter needle approximately 1/4 inch into the vein using a gentle forward motion
Figure 28. Advance the catheter into the vein as far as possible while holding the catheter needle hub with one hand
Then have the handler release pressure on the vein but continue to hold elbow in place; or release tourniquet.
Figure 29. Remove the needle from the catheter by pulling it out while stabilizing the catheter
Then quickly attach catheter injection port onto the hub of the catheter.
Figure 30. Secure the catheter to the limb with tape
Figure 31. Location for IO catheter placement on proximal medial tibia
Figure 32. Intended insertion site (red oval) on proximal medial tibial crest, just distal to the knee joint
Figure 33. Insertion of pediatric IO catheter in proximomedial tibia using EZ-IO device
Figure 34. Full insertion of IO catheter after removal of stylet
1. K9 chilled or fresh whole blood
2. K9 plasma and RBCs in a 1:1 ratio
3. K9 plasma or RBCs alone
4. Crystalloid (Lactated Ringer’s, Normosol R or Plasma-Lyte A)
NOTE: Hypothermia preventions measures [Section 9] should be initiated while fluid resuscitation is being accomplished
NOTE: DO NOT administer human blood products to a K9 due to a high risk of transfusion reaction.
Analgesia on the battlefield should generally be achieved using one of three options:
TCCC Medical and Veterinary Personnel should provide analgesia on the battlefield based on K9 casualty status using the following drugs listed:
Opioid alone (if the K9 is not fractious, an opioid may be all that is needed)
Morphine at 0.25-0.5mg/kg IM (equivalent to one 10mg morphine autoinjector) or
Hydromorphone 0.1 mg/kg IV/IO/IM or
Fentanyl (injectable) every 20-30 minutes at 2-5mcg/kg IV/IO or 10mcg/kg IM
Ketamine (50mg) IV/IM/IO + Midazolam (10mg) IV/IO/IM
Ketamine (50mg) IV/IM/IO + Opioid
Morphine at 0.25-0.5 mg/kg IM (equivalent to one 10mg morphine autoinjector) or
Hydromorphone 0.1 mg/kg IV/IO/IM or
Fentanyl (injectable) every 20-30 minutes at 2-5 mcg/kg IV/IO or 10 mcg/kg IM
Ketamine (50mg) IV/IM/IO + Midazolam (10mg) IV/IO/IM + Opioid
Morphine at 0.25-0.5 mg/kg IM (equivalent to one 10mg morphine autoinjector) or
Hydromorphone 0.1 mg/kg IV/IO/IM or
Fentanyl (injectable) every 20-30 minutes at 2-5 mcg/kg IV/IO or 10 mcg/kg IM
Ketamine (100 mg) IV/IM/IO + Midazolam (10mg) IV/IO/IM or
Ketamine(100 mg) IV/IM/IO + Opioid.
Morphine at 0.25-05 mg/kg IM (equivalent to one 10mg morphine autoinjector) or
Hydromorphone 0.1mg/kg IV/IO/IM or
Fentanyl (injectable) every 20-30 minutes at 2-5 mcg/kg IV/IO or 10 mcg/kg IM
Analgesia and sedation/chemical restraint notes:
Check for additional wounds.
Figure 35. Apply 1" medical adhesive tape stirrups to the inside and outside (or top and bottom) of the foot.
The ends of the tape should extend 4-6 inches beyond the toes.
Place a tongue depressor between the sticky sides of the tape so that the tape doesn't stick to other bandaging material.
Figure 36. Wrap cast padding around the limb, starting at the toes and past the joint above the fracture
Figure 37. Mold universal splint to outside portion of the fractured limb.
Center the splint over the fracture site.
Long aspect of the splint oriented along long aspect of the limb.
Mold the splint as best as possible to increase stability.
Figure 38. Wrap gauze bandage tape around splint
Wrap from the toes, up the limb. Wrap snugly but not so tight as to cut off circulation.
Figure 39. Remove the tape stirrups from the tongue depressor, twist 1/2 turn, and stick to the bandage material on each side of the paw
Figure 40. Wrap Elastikon /Coban tape around the gauze bandage
Wrap from the toes, up the limb. Wrap snugly but not so tight as to cut off circulation.
Figure 41. Write the date and time of the bandage on a piece of white medical adhesive tape
The fillable electronic K9 Treatment and Resuscitation Record and instructions are available at:
The fillable electronic K9TCCC care and instructions are available at:
Principles of Tactical Evacuation Care (TACEVAC)
* The term “Tactical Evacuation” includes both Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) and Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) as defined in Joint Publication 4-02.
Transition of Care
Massive Hemorrhage (same as Tactical Field Care)
Airway Management (same as Tactical Field Care)
Administration of oxygen may be of benefit for the following types of K9 casualties:
Circulation (same as Tactical Field Care)
Head Trauma
K9 casualties with head trauma should be monitored for:
Pupillary dilation accompanied by a decreased level of consciousness, and dramatic changes in posture may signify impending cerebral herniation; if these signs occur, take the following actions to decrease intracranial pressure:
Hypothermia Prevention (same as Tactical Field Care)
Penetrating Eye Trauma (same as Tactical Field Care)
Monitoring (same as Tactical Field Care)
Analgesia (same as Tactical Field Care)
Antibiotics (same as Tactical Field Care)
Inspect and Dress Known Wounds (same as Tactical Field Care)
Check for Additional Wounds (same as Tactical Field Care)
Splint Fractures
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in TACEVAC
Documentation of Care (same as Tactical Field Care)